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All images © Rebecca Lee Hussey 2007, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Friday, February 15, 2008

[ triumphant purchase ]

I went to IKEA today to purchase a sofa, because I'm sick of sitting on my bed across the room to watch television. Also, it's no fun to only have a bed or hard chairs to sit on.

So I go... I decide on the Klippan sofa with the natural fabric cover. I go down to the crazy self-service area and convince the only IKEA worker I can see (my only peeve with IKEA... you can never find help in the self-service area... and I'm a small person and not particularly strong so I definitely can't lift a freakin' couch) to help me load the couch onto the push cart. And I grab the right color slipcover. And before I check out, I decide to swing by the As-Is section to see if they have anything worth grabbing.

And there, with the ass-ugly green floraly pattern slipcover on it, is the Klippan sofa. For $100 less than the one I'm pushing around. Simply because it was the display sofa for however long, and had one slightly wiggly foot.


It comes tomorrow, and I've got the pretty slipcover to put on it instead of the ugly green patterned one.

I feel like a champion.

And I'll finally have somewhere comfy to sit that isn't my bed.

And then you'll finally get to see pictures of the new digs.


Andrea said...

The As-Is room is a true treasure trove. It's sorta like a flea market in the middle of an awesome furniture store.

Chickenbells said...

Congrats!! That green floral thing on their site is one crazy piece of work...I mean, I suppose the green would kind of go with all the orange...then again, I'm glad you got the other slipcover!!

brandy said...

Awesome! I bought my couch from Ikea too- and paid less by buying the display one. Man that place can create a few miracles can't it??