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All images © Rebecca Lee Hussey 2007, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Monday, February 18, 2008

[ the new digs ]

Well, I finally feel settled enough (and organized enough!) to share some pictures of my new place!

This is the dining area. The table has two leaves, both of which I keep down when I'm not using it. It makes it more like a shelf and takes up practically no space. The half-wall hides the kitchen, which is a typical kitchen so no picture of that. The hexagon shelves on the wall above the half-wall hold a combo of my ampersand collection and my Buddha collection. The chairs were $4.99 each in the As-Is section of IKEA! That's my still-not-framed-nine-months-later diploma.

Backing up a little, you can see my slowly-coming-together office area. The built in shelves have my books and printer. It still needs a light, and I'm trying to figure out a way to hide the cords from view, because they are freakin' ugly under the desk. You can also see the front of my most triumphant purchase: my new couch. The pillows were on sale at Home Goods, and my big sister made me the blanket a few years ago for Christmas.

Turning around, you see the living area. I freakin' love the wall color, and luckily you can't see the splotchiness of the paint job. Basic living stuff... shelving unit hiding DVDs and showing off some old cameras, my favorite photography books (Individuals, Through The Lens, The Polaroid Book, and Portraits), and a bunch more Buddhas; awesome fantabulous couch; storage ottoman with wooden tray on top in place of a coffee table.

And to the left of the living area is my bed, with another awesome orange wall, and my kick-ass IKEA quilt cover.

Can you guess my favorite color? It ain't navy!


Anonymous said...

You stole my comforter! (haha, just kidding...I'm sure there are like 3 million other people out there with thet comforter...isn't it fun?) You know what color looks awesome with orange? Bright teal. I think some teal-y and green accents would look nice. Anyway, the apartment looks great so far!

Jamie Lovely said...

I love your room!

Chickenbells said...

Ohhhh...it's wonderful!! I love the orange all over as well...I'm so glad that you decided to surround yourself with your favorite color, it must be so restful and perfect feeling...

Katelin said...

Oh I love your room! What am I saying, I love the whole place, very cute! :)

Larissa said...

Wow! The whole place is GORGEOUS. I'm not even much of an orange fan, but this looks amazing!