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All images © Rebecca Lee Hussey 2007, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

[ second to last ]

This is my second-to-last NaBloPoMo post. Holy mackerel. I really can't even handle that idea. And, umm... excuuuuuse me. November is almost OVER? It's almost December. Which means..... it's almost 2008! Can you tell I'm mildly freaked out by how quickly time is passing??

Anyway, I had a really good idea of what I was going to post about while I was at work today. But, since I didn't write it down, I have since forgotten. Well crap.


The radio on the way home from work today. I am notorious for skipping around the stations to find something I like. And the radio gods were smiling down on me today! One station was playing The Devil Went Down To Georgia. When that was over, I hopped on over to the hip hop station, which always plays an insane mash-up of songs at around 5:10pm. What I caught was: Britney's Gimme More lyrics over the music from Another One Bites The Dust, which transitioned into Justin Timberlake's SexyBack, which transitioned into the lyrics from SexyBack over the music from Thriller, which transitioned into Thriller, which transitioned into some song by some dude named Pitbull (never heard of him, but I was rocking out). And when that fabulousness was over, I switched stations again and fell right into the opening notes of Queen's Somebody To Love.

I am also notorious for listening to music way louder than is probably safe. I was rocking out the whole way home from work. Freakin' awesome.

Also, if that isn't an excellent example of how random my musical taste is, I don't know what is!

1 comment:

Katy said...

I love the Devil Went Down to GA - happens to be the favorite part of my workout mix since you can't help but work it when it comes on. I also love mash-ups and that one sounds great. Though I have to say, I don't recall ever having heard a mashup on the normal radio.