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All images © Rebecca Lee Hussey 2007, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Friday, November 30, 2007

[ and so it ends ]

Well, NaBloPoMo is officially over. I seriously can't believe I actually successfully completed it! Yay me! I even posted over thirty posts this month... well, one over, but still. I'm proud of myself. And, what's more, I just remembered that posting everyday for a month was on my 101 in 1001 list, which I kinda-sorta-maybe abandoned. And without even realizing it, I completed it. Maybe I just need to not think about the list, and it will magically get done.

My TIATF today is definitely NaBloPoMo. Before participating, I never would have posted everyday for an entire month. Some days I didn't feel like I had anything good to post about, but posting anyway was good for me. There's no reason I can't take a few minutes everyday to post.

I found some new great people through NaBloPoMo, and I will definitely continue to read their blogs and keep up with them.

I realized there are about a million things I want to learn how to do: cook, sew, make jewelry, bind books, letterpress, all sorts of various craft projects, paint, screenprint at home. Reading about all these people around the world doing all these amazing things and seeing the products of their passion was amazing to me. I want to do all of it. Everything, everything, everything.

Now that NaBloPoMo is over, the real question is will I keep up with it. I'm sure that everyday is probably out of the question (unless I declare it NaBloPoMo every month... NaBloPoYear), but I'm sure I'll be able to post several times a week, instead of once every couple weeks. I also don't think TIATF will remain a daily staple, but it will probably be a recurring feature.

So, farewell NaBloPoMo. You were good to me. See you next year!


Chickenbells said...

Congratulations!! I am proud of you...what a great way to "meet" some more bloggers out there!!!

Katy said...

Yay for making it!! I'm embarrassed to say that I went to count my posts for the month and well, I am far exceeded the 30 post limit (but, I came *this* close to nearly missing a day). I've had fun though and like you, I've definitely found some blogs that I plan to continue reading. All worth it in the end ;-)

Anonymous said...

grrr...it didn't take my nickname!! I'll best this Blogger thing if it's the last thing I do!!

Happy Weekend!