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Sunday, March 23, 2008

[ march 23: fictional character crushes ]

You know when you watch a movie or television show, and you think to yourself, "Man, I want to date a guy like that!" This list is for you, my friends. Fictional characters that I have had a crush on. I can admit it. It's not wicked weird... only slightly.

  • Luke Danes (Gilmore Girls): Holy moly, I want a Luke. He was always so thoughtful and caring... he made Lorelai an ice rink; he cooked at the inn when Sookie had to be on bed rest; he pined for Lorelai for like eight years; he wanted to beat the crap out of Logan for kissing Rory. I heart him.
  • Jess Mariano (Gilmore Girls): Every girl has got to love a bad boy, and he was mine. He was so angry, but then he came back in the end, and he was the one who kicked Rory in the ass. Gotta love the reformed bad boy.
  • Seth Cohen (The OC): Such a dork. Such a good heart. So freakin' cute.
  • Matteo Carati (The Best of Youth): Just because he was hot. And only until the point when he went nutty angry. And then nutty sad. But he was great up until the nutty hit.
Did you ever have a crush on the fictional character? I promise I won't laugh!


The Mroz Family said...

Pacey from Dawson's Creek - even though it got all cranky at the end of the senior year season, he came around in the end!

Chickenbells said...

Geroge Emerson from A Room With a View...Oh, that kiss and romance, swoon!! And Ruben Feffer from Along Came Polly-the scene when he learns to dance and is so awkward, but so out of his box, just to be the ultimate guy for Polly always brings tears to my eyes...

Katelin said...

Ah Sarah! You have read my mind. Pacey all the way. I am a Josh girl forever and ever. :)