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Sunday, March 2, 2008

[ march 02: places to travel ]

I love traveling. I have a yen to travel... I'm up to my ears in yen to travel. Here is a very not-at-all-inclusive and in no particular order list of places I would love to go.

  1. London - I've been there before, but only for about 2 days. So not enough.
  2. Hawaii
  3. India
  4. New Zealand - Once was definitely not enough.
  5. Italy - Hopefully I'll be tour-guiding my Mummay around in the near future!
  6. Paris - Again, been there for a few days. I need more time.
  7. Morocco
  8. Egypt
  9. Brazil
  10. Alaska
  11. South Africa
  12. Iceland
  13. Greenland
  14. Ireland
  15. Portugal
  16. Mexico
  17. Tanzania
  18. Kenya
  19. Madagascar
  20. Australia
  21. Thailand
  22. Vietnam
I want to go to hundreds of places. Millions, even. Even when I was younger, I always knew there was more out there. More that I wanted to see. More that I needed to see. As I'm sure pretty much everyone who knows me is aware, I get stir-crazy if I'm in the same place for too long. I always feel the need to go somewhere else. Do something else.

And the list above only covers some of the hundreds of places outside the continental United States that I'm dying to go. There are tons of places within the continental US that I've never been. Until I moved to Arizona, my experience with the States west of the East Coast was San Diego, for a week, about six years ago.

I want to visit all the Sandwiches in the States, just because it would be funny (I know of one in Massachusetts [where I grew up], Illinois and New Hampshire). And of course, the seaport of Sandwich in Kent, England, which is the original Sandwich.

I want to drive around New England, visiting little towns, and find a real-life Stars Hollow.

I want to see National Monuments and National Forests. I want to be able to say I've set foot in every single state in the nation.

I want to be able to pack up and take off at a moment's notice.

I want to see the world.

Who wants to go with me? Where do you want to go?

If you could pack up and leave for a year, where would you go? Would you go to one place, hunker down, and really get to know that one place? Would you hop around a country? A continent? The world?


Chickenbells said...

I am currently sitting in an Airstream in the California Sate Desert...this is what I want to do. Travel around in the Airstream for a year...got to national monuments, hike, climb, walk...get to know the USA. I want to take 4 months out of my life and hike the Pacific Crest Trail next year...I absolutely love to travel...I will go almost anywhere...but, I seriously need to figure out how to do this on a continuous basis...

Unknown said...

I'm with you! As for a list, I'd start with Italy and go from there.
I'd like to visit all 50 states, There's areas of Canada I would enjoy exploring too. If I had a year, I would probably spend 8 months abroad and 4 months driving the US. The question is --- are in with me :)

Sandy M said...

I have never had the desire to travel overseas, but would love to see the US from end to end, top to bottom.

nicole antoinette said...

Stop it. Just.. stop it. This post is exactly what goes on in my head like, ALL THE TIME. I'd rather travel than do anything else. Travel and eat. Travel and eat and blog about it. Gah! Wanderlust!

If I had a year to do it (and none of the associated practical concerns were an issue), I'd buy an around the world ticket from STA Travel and go f*cking EVERYWHERE. Like From L.A. to London, Paris, Dubai, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Bangkok, Singapore, Sydney, Christchurch, Auckland, and Fiji...

Anonymous said...

My local, US travel dream has always been to go to Montana, Wyoming and the Dakotas. I want to see all that big sky and beautiful landscapes we hear so much about. Hence my dream of photographing buffalo on my 101 in 1001 list.

My international travel dream, since like 3rd grade has been to go to Machu Pichu in Peru. Sad thing, my girlfriend was teaching there for a couple of years and it would have been the *perfect* time to visit since I could stay with her, but I was in grad school and just couldn't swing it. I'm still so bummed about that.