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All images © Rebecca Lee Hussey 2007, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

[ seven ]

Well, well. The wonderful Sadira tagged me to list seven random things about myself. So I'm going to mostly participate ("He's only mostly dead..." what's the movie, anyone? I'll send you a prize if you guess!).

I'll definitely do the seven things (mainly because I don't have anything else to post about today!), but I'm not going to tag other people. Call me a rebel. Heeeeeere we go.

1. I cannot eat a food that has chunks in it. It's not just that I don't like it, I have an actual physical reaction, and can't swallow it. Examples are: yogurt with fruit, any baked good with fruit. Basically, if the food is supposed to be smooth, I want it to be smooth. This makes for some awkward moments, like when I worked at a day camp and had to trade my yogurt with a little kid because I had accidentally bought the kind with fruit chunks. Or when my good friend Brent made me apple cinnamon pancakes (with actual apples), and I tried valiantly to eat one, but couldn't, and Jesse had to make me plain pancakes instead.

2. The two toes next to my big toe on my right foot are partially webbed. I'd take a picture, but I'm too lazy this morning. Jesse gets a big kick out of telling me to spread my toes away from each other, because my left-foot toes spread quite wide (which he also tells me are freakish), and my two little webbed toes don't move.

3. I dislike the doctor to the point that it gives me slight panic attacks. I'm okay if it's a routine check-up, but if it isn't, it's pretty hard to keep myself from crying in front of the doctor. I can usually make it through the appointment, but I'm a disaster afterwards. Because of this, I rarely go to the doctor when I'm sick. (Only if my Mummay makes me!)

4. I was born and raised in a town called Sandwich. Yes, like the food. I've heard all the jokes, and none have been very good. "What kind of sandwich is it? Ham and cheese!?!?!" Ha. ha. ha. Now that I think of it, Dustin promised me a good Sandwich joke before we left college. And I never got one!

5. I collect Buddha statues. I have one from just about every country or major city I've been to, with the exception of Amsterdam (I hadn't started collecting them yet) and London (we were running around like crazy, and I simply didn't think of it). I started collecting them when I was 15 or 16, playing soccer in tournaments in Italy and Spain. We drove between the two, and on the way stopped in Nice. We walked through an open-air market, and I saw this awesome little Buddha statue that was black, with a blue glittery cape. Thus started the collection.

6. I was the weirdo in high school that loved math and science, and also art. I (to this day) love doing math... especially geometry and algebra. I LOVED doing proofs. All of my math-loving friends tell me that that is weird by itself. I graduated in the top ten of my HS class, and was the only one in the top 30 or so whose only APs were in math (calculus), science (physics), and art. In college, one of my favorite classes was Logic, even though it had me doing homework for at least two hours every single night. I was told I was nuts for that too. The only reason I didn't take the advanced Logic course the next semester was because I didn't think I'd have time for the workload.

7. I can eat shrimp until I explode. It really is the one food that I can't control myself with. I just eat it and eat it and eat it. At holiday gatherings, my mom would always buy a five-pound bag of shrimp. She'd put aside a certain amount, and that would be my shrimp. After my shrimp was gone, I was cut off. Although, I must admit (sorry Mom!), that I would totally sneak shrimp from the other plate. I couldn't help myself! I love shrimp!

I'm sure there are way more random and quirky things about me, but the rules were for seven. In other news....

Nance! If you're out there, I couldn't reply to your comment about my shot settings for the fair pictures because you didn't comment with any email... so here's what I was going to reply with:

Thanks for commenting. Let's seeeeeeeeee... I shot it all on manual. I kept my ISO at 1600, and kept my aperture pretty wide open: most of the shots are at an f.stop of 3.5 - 5.6. If I wanted a more blurry picture, I closed the aperture way down (some of the rides moving are at about f22). As for shutter speeds, I kept it right around 1/30 - 1/60. Any shots that are pointing directly at a light source, I popped it up to about 1/250, and again, for the motion shots, I slowed it down to about 0.5 seconds.

I hope that helps!

What's your blog?

I'm going to try to find you on NaBloPoMo!


My mummay and my daddy... due to a certain undertaking of mine which must remain a secret, I've been thinking a lot about how much support and love they've given me over the years. Even when I bitched and moaned, and was an all around ass, they had nothing but love and advice.

They fully supported my decision to pursue art as a major in college and as a career (which is actually really hard for a lot of parents... I met a few people in college that said "I would totally be an art major, but it would kill my mother/father."); they fully supported me playing soccer for like twelve or thirteen years, driving me all over the state, letting me go to Europe twice, helping me get over not getting picked for a team I should have been picked for (it's a long story, I won't get into it... and yes, part of me is still bitter about it), supporting me and being there for me when I wanted to quit, and when I got hurt and couldn't play anymore; they fully supported my desire to study in Italy (even though my mom was wicked jealous... one day Mummay, we'll go!); they even fully supported me moving all the way across the country with a boy right after college, even though I know it was hard for them to let the baby go.

I love you Mummay & Daddy!!!! Can't wait for the Vegas!


Jamie said...

Hi Rebecca! Great random facts. I love learning the quirky things about people. I totally get the math and art thing. Both my mom and my sister seem to have that combo. And what shrimp is to Rebecca, popcorn is to Jamie. hehe. Lovely to meet you!

tiff said...

You know I only started eating shrimp in February of this year? I used to tell people I was allergie, but I really thought I didn't like the texture (I'm a texture eater like you're a chunks-eater). But I was down in New Orleans and I had shrimp and it was fantastic! Man, I've been missing out!

[nice to meet you :)]

Chickenbells said...

Oh baby...It was the Princess Bride that said, "he's only mostly dead"...Lord, I love that movie (and I mean it...anybody want a peanut?)

I totally get the food thing...and shrimp is simply divine! I don't have the "family toes" myself...everyone's middle toe is longer than their big toe...Rich does though...although we're not related (at least, I hope not, cause that would not be a good thing...)

Sunny said...

The Princess Bride! The Princess Bride! I 'wuv' that movie. Twuly.
I totally get the proof thing, it was the reason I loved geometry so much and I totally took AP Calculus and English at the same time. It's not weird, I kept telling friends, and now I finaly have backup! But my college has no logic courses, so I am now jealous.

Unknown said...

I love you too :) Mummay

Ashley BBZ said...

I agree - yogurt with fruit chunks - ew! The only kind I like is Kroger French Apple Pie. It has a few apple chunks in it but it's good enough that I can deal.