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All images © Rebecca Lee Hussey 2007, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

[ new goals strategy ]

Can it be? Two posts in one day? Am I totally screwing myself over? It is posssssible!

Anyway, as some (most? any?) of you know, I've been working on a 101 in 1001 list of goals. And my 101 in 1001 goals list still only consists of 39 goals. Yeah, not quite right. I was thinking about it today, and I realized that I'm treating it too much as a long-term goal list. There's really no reason I can't put a goal on there that I want to accomplish in the next month. Or week, really. But to me, a list that extends over two and a half years in the future is a long-term goal list. Therefore, I've come up with a new strategy for keeping myself motivated.

I'm going to work on a week-by-week basis. Sure, I'll have some long-term goals, but I will only state goals that I want to accomplish within the next week. Today, I will post my first list of goals. Next Sunday, I'll post about how well I did accomplishing those goals, as well as post a new list of goals. I'm going to choose seven goals per week. One goal per day.

To me, that is doable. That is something I can wrap my mind around. That is something I can totally grasp and attack.

Some of my goals may be smaller steps in a larger goal. They may be as simple as remembering to go to the bank that week. They may involve several steps. But the point will be, to move forward on seven (or so) things, every single week.

And so I proudly present,

Seven In Seven

  1. Design at least five cards for Mom's gift list
  2. Hang the shelves we bought about two weeks ago
  3. Get Christine's proofs up and email her
  4. Organize my Mail folders into a system that actually makes sense
  5. Design and order Hanukkah cards for Jesse's family
  6. Work out a design for the wall art project I want to do
  7. Create promotional materials for FiveGoodGoats, including pricing lists

Join me if you'd like. Let me know what your goals are, and if you accomplish them. Have fun with it. Become more productive. Become more motivated. Help motivate me, and I'll help motivate you.


The creator of 101 in 1001. I don't actually know who started it, but I've seen it all over the place. It's a great idea, and definitely the inspiration for this plan, but it just doesn't seem to be for me. But that doesn't mean I'm not thankful for it existing!


Anonymous said...

I really like the 101 in 1001 thing. Maybe I'll try it and blog it like you're doing--it's inspirational to see someone else slowly but surely tick away at stuff they've always wanted to do. I hope you get to Italy soon!

Jamie said...

I love the 7 in 7 idea! What a great way to tweak it to work for you. Brilliant!

And thanks for your encouragement on my post today. What makes me psyched is thinking what those changes will bring!

Oh, and the original 101 guy is here: http://triplux.com/dayzero/

Have a beautiful day!

Sunny said...

You're planning 1001 days in advance?! I can barely plan my week in advance. I do like the Seven in Seven idea - I might be able to acheive that. Maybe.

Oh, and if you ever need any suggestions for your new literary authors goal, please let me know! I love, love, love suggesting books to people - and, of course, getting suggestions in return.

Chickenbells said...

Wonderful idea! I love goals that are doable and important to get done...those things make you feel like you're achieving and will help with the long term as well! I'll have to think about this for a project...working on some personal stuff that is taking up a lot of time...

Anonymous said...

I had to read a LOT of 101 in 1001 lists to get ideas. For some things I thought small and totally doable, for others I thought shortish-medium goals and for some I thought bigger and longer. Eventually it all came together.

I think your 7 in 7 sounds like a very manageable plan. I also like the 30 in 30 version as well.

Good luck!