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All images © Rebecca Lee Hussey 2007, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

[ avada kedavra and pretzels ]

I had such a weirdo dream.

Lucius Malfoy (yes, from Harry Potter) was infiltrating Hogwarts, which instead of being a castle, was an old mansion. He was sneaking from room to room, killing people and eating pretzels. Yeah. Eating pretzels. He had the werewolf, Fenrir, with him, only instead of being a total badass, he was a complete weenie. He fell over, and woke up all the portraits. And they started screaming for Dumbledore, who came running out of his bedroom, in his pajamas. He was wearing a floor-length nightgown, and a matching hat. And they had the same pattern as the hat that Mickey Mouse wore in Fantasia. So Lucius & Fenrir ran out of the Hogwarts mansion, and ran across the grounds to get out of the gate so they could Apparate. And Lucius apparated, and just left Fenrir there.

But Fenrir got shot. Because there was a civil war battle going on right outside the gate. There were actually rows of Union and Confederate soldiers shooting at each other.

And then the dream cut to Lucius again, and he was chugging water because he was so thirsty after eating all the pretzels.


1 comment:

Chickenbells said...

Well...strange as it was, at least the water part makes sense right? Are YOU getting enough water? It can dehydrate you...all the heat and running around out here in the Southwest! 'Specially if you're doing it with warewolves and salt...