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All images © Rebecca Lee Hussey 2007, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

[ march 15: places i've lived ]

I never really thought that I'd lived in a lot of places. I mean, how many places can you possibly have lived when you spent 19 of 22 years in one place? But I did manage to squeeze six different places into the list!

  • Sandwich, MA: Born and raised. I lived there all through growing up, middle school, and high school.
  • Newark, DE: I went to college there, so I'm counting it. For four years I spent more time in Newark than anywhere else, so that counts as living there, right?
  • Siena, Italy: This is probably the biggest not-really on the list. I studied abroad there for a semester, and lived with a family in town. That totally counts. I swear.
  • Raleigh, NC: Raleigh was my home address for three of four years of college. My parents live there still. I actually only lived and worked there for a summer, but it's where I go when I see the fam!
  • Peoria, AZ: The first seven months of my post-collegiate experience.
  • Phoenix, AZ: Current. Living right downtown. Still liking it a lot. Starting to explore more, which is good.
Where have you lived? Anywhere exotic?


Jamie Lovely said...

Only Chicago for me :(

Katelin said...

I've only lived in California and Ohio, well Germany if you count the two months I did an exchange. Not too fancy, but it's okay with me :)