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Thursday, March 13, 2008

[ march 13: fictional characters i'd want to be friends with ]

For a part two of sorts, some fictional characters, if real-life people, I would want to be friends with:

Lorelai & Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
So who isn't shocked that they are at the top of my list? If I could jump into one television show, Gilmore Girls would be it. I love Lorelai & Rory. I want to be them. They're freaking great people. Nonexistent people, but freaking great.

Summer Roberts (The OC)
Again, anyone shocked? I loved her character, and the way she changed from the beginning of the series to the end of it. She was pretty much the reason that I kept watching it during the last season, when it got really wonky.

Dirk Pitt (Clive Cussler character)
He's just so freakin' badass. Plus, if I was ever trapped in pretty much anything, he would figure out some insane way to save me. And no matter how insane and impossible the way, it would work. Because it's Dirk.

Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
I don't care that she's supposedly a few years younger than me. I love her. She's so smart and sassy, and totally kicks all the boys asses. She's fantabulous.

Amy Stone (The Family Stone)
She's just enough of a free spirit, but just grounded enough, that I think we'd get along. She's awesomely sarcastic, and totally down to earth.

Lindsey (Lucky Number Slevin)
She's a total nut! I would love to just watch her exist, because she's so kooky. She's on fast forward all the time, and jumps into things with her all.

Don't need to explain this one. Anyone who's seen the movie loves her.

If you could jump into a book, movie or television show and fraternize with the characters, who would you most want to chill with?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you and would totally love to be friends with Lorelei Gilmore. Shortly after the series ended, Lauren Graham was featured as a "gal around town" sort of gal. Of course my husband read it to me asking if she could be in our book club. Funny thing, she's not all that far away from me, and the places she eats at and visits are places I've been to as well.

I'd also love to meet Rachael Green from Friends. Aw hell, I'd love to meet and befriend all of them, who am I kidding.