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All images © Rebecca Lee Hussey 2007, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

[ resolution time ]

New Years has come and passed, and I actually made a resolution this year. Just one resolution, but it's a multi-parter and pretty all-encompassing.

My New Years Resolution is:

To strengthen myself, mind, body and soul.

Yeah, it's kind of a doozy, but I'm already doing pretty well with it, and it isn't one I see myself breaking anytime soon. Don't really get what I mean? Well, let me explain:

I never want to stop growing. I never want to stop learning. I never want to stop trying to be a better person. So instead of just randomly, throughout the year, doing one or two little things to grow and better myself, I'm going to make it a point to do as much as possible to better myself. I want to be a happier, healthier, wiser, more educated, more interesting, more passionate person come 2009.

I'm not jumping into this thing like a cannonball into the deep end of the pool. First of all, I hate deep water, so I would probably never do a cannonball into the deep end of the pool. And secondly, I don't want to give up on this because it's too much, too soon. So I'm easing into things. I'm taking time out to read everyday, even just a few pages. I do a couple Sudoku puzzles before bed a few nights a week. I'm easing into a workout routine that I know I will be able to stick to (including resistance workouts, pilates and hiking). I'm taking note of one nice thing I do for myself everyday. I'm thinking of signing up for a class at the local community college. I'm thinking of teaching a class at the local rec center. I'm moving forward full steam with FiveGoodGoats: going to my Ladies Who Launch incubator meetings (more on that later), participating in monthly networking meetings at a local improv theatre. I'm viewing growing not as a right, but as a privilege, as something I look forward to everyday. I'm making a conscious effort to eat better.

Here's to being happier, healthier, wiser, more educated, more interesting and more passionate!

[ ps: new header up above, and don't miss the vegas post below! ]


Michelle and the City said...

happy 2008! it's never too late for resolutions.

and thanks for stopping by my blog. nice to "meet" you :)

Sunny said...

You are certainly ambitious! I like the new header, it's very energetic, yet pretty.

Chickenbells said...

I'm loving that you are recognizing the good things you are doing for yourself every day...it's important when you have such a wonderfully ambitious resolution...

Anonymous said...

New header is very distinctive - I like it.
You've always been a take-life-by-the-tail person, why stop now? I admire your energy and dedication to total success in life.
We can encourage each other :)

Anonymous said...

This is a GREAT resolution. I started my LWL this past Saturday and I'm loving the whole do something special each day part.

PrincessPolly said...

I am in awe of your positivity!