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All images © Rebecca Lee Hussey 2007, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

[ word of the day ]

I don't really have anything to post about (except, excuse my freaking awe that there are only three days left in November, and thus NaBloPoMo!), so I shall leave you with the word of the day from my iGoogle. I read them everyday, and today, I shall report.

tumulus: (noun) A heap of earth placed over prehistoric tombs.

I felt quite dumb after reading the definition, because I figured it was at least semi-related to

(noun) a loud, confusing noise, esp. one caused by a large mass of people.

I was wrong. Oh well. You learn something new everyday.


Learning something new everyday. It amazes me when people act like school is the utmost. I definitely agree that it is incredibly important (and I also thought it was a lot of fun... what can I say... I'm a nerd!), but I think you learn just as much if not more in your day to day life. When I was studying in Italy, I kept track of things I learned everyday that I didn't learn in class (well, some were from class), but I don't think I kept it up the whole time. Perhaps I'll start doing that again? Who knows. Perhaps I'll share some of my Italy learnings here. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

1 comment:

Chickenbells said...

Learning new things is fun...I usually think though, that my brain will fill up and things will start to have to go bye-bye to make room for new stuff...then I remember that we only use something like 3% of our brains right? sheesh...